ORCID: 0000-0001-6868-0848
Ø 2022/06至今 安徽师范大学美高梅4858线路登录,特聘教授,博士生导师
Ø 2018/09–2022/02 南方科技大学化学系(PI: 刘心元教授), 研究助理教授
Ø 2016/04–2018/04 南方科技大学化学系(导师:刘心元教授), 博士后
Ø 2012/09–2015/12 南开大学化学学院(导师:渠瑾教授), 博士, 有机化学专业
Ø 2009/09–2012/06 天津中医药大学(导师:阎姝教授), 硕士, 药物分析专业
Ø 2005/09–2009/06 皖南医学院, 学士, 药学专业
1. Cheng, Y.-F.;† Liu, J.-R.;† Yu, Z.-L.;† Tian, Y.;† Jiang, N.-C.; Wen, H.-T.; Gu, Q.-S.;* Hong, X.;* Houk, K. N.;* Liu, X.-Y.* “Cu-catalyzed enantioselective radical heteroatomic S–O cross-coupling” Nat. Chem. 2023, 15, 395. (†共同一作)
2. Yu, Z.-L.;† Cheng, Y.-F.;† Liu, J.-R.; Yang, W.; Xu, D.-T.; Tian, Y.; Bian, J.-Q.; Li, Z.-L.; Fan, L.-W.; Luan, C.; Gao, A.; Gu, Q.-S.;* Liu, X.-Y.* “Cu(I)-Catalyzed Chemo- and Enantioselective Desymmetrizing C–O Bond Coupling of Acyl Radicals” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 6535−6545. (†共同一作)
3. Cheng, Y.-F.;† Liu, J.-R.;† Gu, Q.-S.;† Yu, Z.-L.;† Wang, J.; Li, Z.-L.; Bian, J.-Q.; Wen, H.-T.; Wang, X.-J.; Hong, X.*; Liu, X.-Y.* “Catalytic enantioselective desymmetrizing functionalization of alkyl radicals via Cu(I)/CPA cooperative catalysis” Nat. Catal. 2020, 3, 401−410. (†共同一作)
4. Cheng, Y.-F.;† Dong, X.-Y.;† Gu, Q.-S.;† Yu, Z.-L.; Liu, X.-Y.* “Achiral pyridine ligand-enabled enantioselective radical oxytrifluoromethylation of alkenes with alcohols” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 8883–8886. (cover picture) (†共同一作)
5. Cheng, Y.-F.; Rong, H.-J.; Yi, C.-B.; Yao, J.-J.; Qu, J.* “Redox-triggered α-C–H functionalization of pyrrolidines: synthesis of unsymmetrically 2,5-disubstituted pyrrolidines” Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 4758–4761.
6. Cheng, Y.-F.; Han, X.-S.; Ou, H.-C.; Rao, Y.* “A new practical approach towards the synthesis of unsymmetric and symmetric 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives at room temperature”. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 2906–2908.