
王广凤 Guangfeng Wang
邮箱: wangyuz@mail.ahnu.edu.cn
实验室:1033/1034 (礼勤楼)
办公室:1035 (礼勤楼)
长期从事环境健康分析的研究工作,以第一/通讯作者在Nat. Commun., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Healthc. Mater., Anal. Chem.等期刊发表学术论文50余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省杰出青年基金等项目。曾获国务院政府特殊津贴、安徽省“五一劳动奖章”、“皖江学者特聘教授”、教育部自然科学二等奖及安徽省自然科学二等奖,担任安徽省检测检验学会常务理事。
1. 纳米材料组装:可控合成与组装新型功能化金属、半导体、碳材料及量子点等材料,应用于环境、食品及生物分析等领域。
2. 环境毒性传感研究:对环境污染物如金属离子、持久性有机污染物的毒性机制及传感技术研究。
3. 光/电生物传感器构建:对生命标志物、病毒DNA及其他疾病相关生物分子的检测。
46. Mengmeng Xia, QiyueWang, Yamin Liu, Chunyan Fang, Bo Zhang, Shengfei Yang, Fu Zhou, Peihua Lin, Mingzheng Gu, Canyu Huang, Xiaojun Zhang, Fangyuan Li*, Hongying Liu*, Guangfeng Wang*, Daishun Ling*.Self-propelled assembly of nanoparticles with self-catalytic regulation for tumour specific imaging and therapy. Nat. Commun. 2024, 15, 460
45. Fuqiang Zhang, Nan Yang, Fu Zhou, Ruonan Qiao, Yifei Wan, Rong Liu, Suwan Yang, Mingzheng Gu, Huae Xu,* Xiaochen Dong,*, Guangfeng Wang*. Orthogonally Sequential Activation of Self-Powered DNAzymes Cascade for Reliable Monitoring of mRNA in Living Cells. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2024, 2303074
44. Hui Hu, Nan Yang. Jiahui Sun, Fu Zhou, Rui Gu, Yuan Liu, Li Wang, Xuejiao Song, Ruirui Yun, Xiaochen Dong*, Guangfeng Wang*. Zn(II)Coordination-driven self-assembled nanoagents for multimodal imaging-guided photothermal/gene synergistic therapy. Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 7355-7364
43. Mengmeng Xia, Fu Zhou, Xiuyun Feng, Jiahui Sun, Li Wang, Na Li, Xiayan Wang,* Guangfeng Wang*, A DNAzyme-Based Dual-Stimuli Responsive Electrochemiluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer Platform for Ultrasensitive Anatoxina Detection, Anal. Chem. 2021, 93, 11284−11290
42. Hui Hu, Fu Zhou, Baojuan Wang, Xin Chang, Tianyue Dai, Ruifen Tian,, Yifei Wan, Xiayan Wang *, Guangfeng Wang*, Autonomous operation of 3D DNA walkers in living cells for microRNA imaging, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 1863
41. Jihua Chen, Yinchu Ma, Wei Du, Tianyue Dai, Yanfang Wang,Wei Jiang, Yifei Wan, Yucai Wang, Gaolin Liang*, Guangfeng Wang*. Furin-Instructed Intracellular Gold Nanoparticle Aggregation for Tumor Photothermal Therapy, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2001566
40. Jiahui Sun, Fu Zhou, Hui Hu, Na Li, Mengmeng Xia, Li Wang, Xiayan Wang,* and Guangfeng Wang*, Photocontrolled Thermosensitive Electrochemiluminescence Hydrogel for Isocarbophos Detection, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 6136−6143
39. Xiuyun Feng, Ting Han, Yunfang Xiong, Sicheng Wang, Tianyue Dai, Jihua Chen, Xiaojun Zhang, and Guangfeng Wang*. Plasmon-Enhanced Electrochemiluminescence of Silver Nanoclusters for microRNA Detection. ACS Sens. 2019, 4,1633-1640
38. Cuiting Liu, Baojuan Wang, Ting Han, Dongmin Shi, and Guangfeng Wang*. Fe Foil-Guided Fabrication of Uniform Ag@AgX Nanowires for Sensitive Detection of Leukemia DNA. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11 (5), 4820-4825
37. Ting Han, Guangfeng Wang*. Peroxidase-like activity of acetylcholine-based colorimetric detection of acetylcholinesterase activity and an organophosphorus inhibitor, J. Mater. Chem. B. 2019, 7, 2613-2618
36. Xinsheng Yang, Dongmin Shi, Shengmei Zhu, Baojuan Wang, Xiaojun Zhang, and Guangfeng Wang*. Portable Aptasensor of Aflatoxin B1 in Bread Based on a Personal Glucose Meter and DNA Walking Machine, ACS Sens., 2018, 3 (7), 1368-1375
35. Guangfeng Wang,* Jing Wan and Xiaojun Zhang*.TTE DNA–Cu NPs: enhanced fluorescence and application in a target DNA triggered dual-cycle amplification biosensor, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 5629-5632
34. Feifan Sheng, Xiaojun Zhang and Guangfeng Wang*. Novel ultrasensitive homogeneous electrochemical aptasensor based on dsDNA-templated copper nanoparticles for the detection of ractopamine. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017, 5, 53-613
33. HongLu, Zhou Fu, Dongmin Shi, Xiaojun Zhang, Guangfeng Wang*. Portable aptamer biosensor of platelet-derived growth factor-BB using a personal glucose meter with triply amplified. Biosens.Bioelectron., 2017, 95, 152-159
32. Lu Hong, Fu Zhou, Guangfeng Wang*, Xiaojun Zhang. Synthesis and sensing integration: A novel enzymatic reaction modulated Nanoclusters Beacon (NCB) “Illumination” strategy for label-free biosensing and logic gate operation. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 86, 588-594
31. Hong Jiang, Xiaojun Zhang, Guangfeng Wang*. [G3T]5/Tb3+ based DNA biosensor with target DNA-triggered autocatalytic multi-cycle-amplification and magnetic nanoparticles assisted-background-lowered. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2015, 74, 931-938
30. Liang Sha, Xiaojun Zhang, Guangfeng Wang*. A label-free and enzyme-free ultra-sensitive transcription factors biosensor using DNA-templated copper nanoparticles as fluorescent indicator and hairpin DNA cascade reaction as signal amplifier. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 82, 85-92
29. Dongmin Shi, Yue Sun, Lin Lin, Chunjun Shi, Guangfeng Wang* and Xiaojun Zhang. Naked-eye sensitive detection of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and pyrophosphate (PPi) based on a horseradish peroxidase catalytic colorimetric system with Cu(II). Analyst, 2016, 141, 5549
28. Lin Lin, Dongmin Shi, Quanfa Li, Guangfeng Wang*, Xiaojun Zhang* Detection of T4 polynucleotide kinase based on a MnO2 nanosheet-3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) colorimetric system. Anal. Methods, 2016, 8, 4119
27. Yunfang Xiong, Lin Lin, Xiaojun Zhang, Guangfeng Wang*. Label-free electrochemiluminescent detection of transcription factors with hybridization chain reaction amplification. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 37681
26. Lu Hong, Jing Wan, Xiaojun Zhang, Guangfeng Wang*. DNA–gold nanoparticles network based electrochemical biosensors for DNA MTase activity. Talanta, 2016, 152, 228-235
25. Ling Chen, Liang Sha, Yuwei Qiu, Guangfeng Wang*, Hong Jiang and Xiaojun Zhang. An amplified electrochemical aptasensor based on hybridization chain reactions and catalysis of silver nanoclusters. Nanoscale, 2015, (7): 3300-3308
24. Hong Jiang, Guangfeng Wang* and Xiaojun Zhang*. Detection of heparin based on the conformational switch of DNA. Anal. Methods, 2015, 7, 7852-7857
23. Yanhong Zhu, Guangfeng Wang*, Liang Sha, Yuwei Qiu, Hong Jiang and Xiaojun Zhang. A ratiometric colorimetric detection of the folate receptor based on terminal protection of small-molecule-linked DNA. Analyst, 2015, 140, 1260-1264
22. Hong Jiang, Gang Xu, Yimin Sun, Weiwei Zheng, Xiangxiang Zhu, Baojuan Wang, Xiaojun Zhang and Guangfeng Wang*. A "turn-on" silver nanocluster based fluorescent sensor for folate receptordetection and cancer cell imaging under visual analysis. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51: 11810-11813
21. Yanhong Zhu, Guangfeng Wang*, Hong Jiang, Ling Chen, Xiaojun Zhang*. One-step ultrasonic synthesis of graphene quantum dots with high quantum yield and their application in sensing alkaline phosphatase. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51(5): 948-951
20. Guangfeng Wang*, Gang Xu, Yanhong Zhu and Xiaojun Zhang*. A turn-on'' carbon nanotube-Ag nanoclusters fluorescent sensor for sensitive and selective detection of Hg2+ with cyclic amplification of exonuclease III activity. Chem. Comm., 2014, 50 (6): 747-750
19. Guangfeng Wang*, Hao Huang, Baojuan Wang, Xiaojun Zhang and Lun Wang*. A super sandwich multienzyme-DNA label based electrochemical immunosensor. Chem. Commun., 2012, 48 (5): 720-722
18. Guangfeng Wang*, Yanhong Zhu, Ling Chen, Xiaojun Zhang. Photoinduced electron transfer (PET) based label-free aptasensor for platelet-derived growth factor-BB and its logic gate application. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2015, 63: 552-557
17. Gang Xu, Guangfeng Wang*, Yanhong Zhu, Ling Chen, Xiuping He, Lun Wang*, Xiaojun Zhang. Amplified and selective detection of Agions based on electrically contacted enzymes on duplex- like DNA scaffolds. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2014, 59: 269-275
16. Guangfeng Wang*, Ling Chen, Yanhong Zhu, Xiuping He, Gang Xu, Xiaojun Zhang*. Development of an electrochemical sensor based on the catalysis of ferrocene actuated hemin/G-quadruplex enzyme for the detection of potassium ions. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2014, 61: 410-416
15. Guangfeng Wang*, Xiuping He, Lun Wang, Xiaojun Zhang*. A folate receptor electrochemical sensor based on terminal protection and super sandwich DNAzyme amplification. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2013, 42: 337-341
14. Guangfeng Wang*, Xiuping He, Gang Xu, Ling Chen, Yanhong Zhu, Xiaojun Zhang*, Lun Wang*. Detection of T4 polynucleotide kinase activity with immobilization of TiO2 nanotubes and amplification of Au nanoparticles. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2013, 43: 125-130
13. Guangfeng Wang*, Xiuping He, Ling Chen, Yanhong Zhu, Xiaojun Zhang, Lun Wang*. Conformational switch for cisplatin with hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme supersandwich structure. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2013, 50: 210-216
12. Guangfeng Wang*, Hao Huang, Xiaojun Zhang, Lun Wang *. Electrically contacted enzyme based on dual hairpin DNA structure and its application for amplified detection of Hg2+. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2012, 35 (1): 108-114
11. Xiuping He, Guangfeng Wang*, Gang Xu, Yanhong Zhu, Ling Chen, and Xiaojun Zhang*. A Simple, Fast, and Sensitive Assay for the Detection of DNA, Thrombin, and Adenosine Triphosphate Based on Dual-Hairpin DNA Structure. Langmuir, 2013, 29 (46): 14328-14334
10. Guangfeng Wang, Hao Huang, Ge Zhang, Xiaojun Zhang, Bin Fang, Lun Wang*. Dual Amplification Strategy for the Fabrication of Highly Sensitive Interleukin-6 Amperometric Immunosensor Based on Poly-Dopamine. Langmuir, 2011, 27(3): 1224-1231
9. Guangfeng Wang*, Ling Chen, Yanhong Zhu, Xiuping He, Gang Xu and Xiaojun Zhang*. Prussian blue-Au nanocomposites actuated hemin/G-quadruplexes catalysis for amplified detection of DNA, Hg2+ and adenosine triphosphate. Analyst, 2014, 139 (20): 5297-5303
8. Guangfeng Wang*, Ling Chen, Xiuping He, Yanhong Zhu and Xiaojun Zhang*. Detection of polynucleotide kinase activity by using a gold electrode modified with magnetic microspheres coated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles and a DNA dendrimer. Analyst, 2014, 139 (16): 3895-3900
7. Guangfeng Wang*, Yanhong Zhu, Ling Chen, Lun Wang and Xiaojun Zhang*. Target-induced quenching for highly sensitive detection of nucleic acids based on label-free luminescent super sandwich DNA/silver nanoclusters. Analyst, 2014, 139 (1): 165-169
6. Gang Xu, Guangfeng Wang*, Xiuping He, Yanhong Zhu, Ling Chen, Xiaojun Zhang. An ultrasensitive electrochemical method for detection of Ag+ based on cyclic amplification of exonuclease III activity on cytosine-Ag+-cytosine. Analyst, 2013, 138 (22): 6900-6906
5. Guangfeng Wang*, Xiuping He, Yanhong Zhu, Ling Chen, Lun Wang, Xiaojun Zhang. Electrochemical amplified detection of Hg based on the super sandwich DNA structure. Analyst, 2012, 137 (9): 2036-2038
4. Guangfeng Wang*,Yanhong Zhu,Ling Chen,Xiaojun Zhang*. Dual hairpin-like molecular beacon based on coralyne-adenosine interaction for sensing melamine in dairy products. Talanta, 2014, 129, 398-403
3. Guangfeng Wang*, Xu Gang, Xuan Zhou, Ge Zhang, Hao Huang, Xiaojun Zhang, Lun Wang*. Electrochemical immunosensor with graphene/gold nanoparticles platform and ferrocene derivatives label. Talanta, 2013, 103, 75-80
2. Guangfeng Wang*, Ling Chen, Yanhong Zhu, Lun Wang, Xiaojun Zhang*. Adenosine Triphosphate Sensing by Electrocatalysis with DNAzyme. Electroanalysis, 2014, 26 (2): 312-318
1. Guangfeng Wang*, Xiuping He, Yanhong Zhu, Ling Chen, Lun Wang, Xiaojun Zhang*. G-Quadruplex-Linked Super sandwich DNA Structure for Electrochemical Amplified Detection of Thrombin. Electroanalysis, 2013, 25 (8): 1960-1966
类别 | 姓名 | 毕业时间 | 奖项 |
硕士研究生 | 贺秀平 | 201106 | 国家奖学金、一等奖学金、二等奖学金、优秀学生干部品学兼优毕业生 |
硕士研究生 | 陈玲 | 201206 | 朱敬文特别奖学金、品学兼优毕业研究生、国家奖学金、“先锋杯”论文大赛二等奖、三等奖 |
硕士研究生 | 朱艳红 | 201206 | 二等奖学金、优秀学生干部 |
硕士研究生 | 江红 | 201306 | 国家奖学金、安徽省“创新之星” |
硕士研究生 | 盛非凡 | 201306 | 优秀研究生、校专利大赛优秀奖 |
硕士研究生 | 洪璐 | 201406 | 国家奖学金、校专利大赛三等奖 |
硕士研究生 | 冯秀云 | 201606 | 校专利大赛一等奖、芜湖市专利大赛二等奖 |
硕士研究生 | 孙家慧 | 201806 | 国家奖学金、校专利大赛一等奖、芜湖市专利大赛三等奖 |
硕士研究生 | 夏蒙蒙 | 201906 | 国家奖学金 |
本科生 | 韩挺 | 201906 | 全国大学生“挑战杯”大赛三等奖、安徽省大学生“挑战杯”大赛特等奖、校大学生“挑战杯”大赛特等奖、芜湖市专利大赛一等奖 |
本科生 | 熊云芳 | 201706 | 全国大学生“挑战杯”大赛三等奖、安徽省大学生“挑战杯”大赛特等奖、校大学生“挑战杯”大赛特等奖、校学生专利发明大赛二等奖 |
本科生 | 史东敏 | 201706 | 校大学生“挑战杯”大赛一等奖、校本科生科研论文大赛一等奖、校学生专利发明大赛二等奖 |
本科生 | 林琳 | 201706 | 校本科生科研论文大赛一等奖 |
洪雅琴(20硕) | 杨苏婉(21硕) | 刘蓉(21硕) | 乔若楠(22硕) | 班银博(22硕) | 李爽(23硕) |

徐泽勋(23硕) | 夏蒙蒙(22博) | 万依菲(20博) | 张付强(20博) |

连丁丁(20硕) | 王莉(19硕士) | 夏蒙蒙(19硕) | 李娜(18硕) | 孙家慧(18硕) | 胡慧(17硕) |

万依菲(17硕) | 陈纪华(16硕) | 冯秀云(16硕) | 朱升美(16硕) | 杨新胜(15硕) | 万靖(14硕) |

洪璐(14硕) | 盛非凡(13硕) | 江红(13硕) | 陈玲(13硕) | 朱艳红(12硕) | 贺秀平(11硕) |

周璇(2009级) | 周飞(2009级) | 徐刚(2010级) | 周福(2012级) | 沙亮(2012级) | 邱雨薇(2012级) |

熊云芳(2013级) | 史东敏(2013级) | 孙悦(2013级) | 韩挺(2015级) | 代天玥(2016级) | 刘婷婷(2017级)

唐子涵(2022级) | 黄晓雅(2022级)

2014届 | 2015届 |

2016届 | 2017届 |

2018届 | 2019届 |

2022届 |


入学时间 | 姓名 | 学历 | 毕业时间 | 单位 |
2011 | 贺秀平 | 硕士 | 2014.06 | 澳大利亚 |
2012 | 陈玲 | 硕士 | 2015.06 | 上海昂立教育培训有限公司 |
2012 | 朱艳红 | 硕士 | 2015.06 | 蚌埠圻润环境工程科技有限公司 |
2013 | 江红 | 硕士 | 2016.06 | 红日培训有限公司 |
2013 | 盛非凡 | 硕士 | 2017.06 | 合肥师范学院 |
2014 | 万靖 | 硕士 | 2017.06 | 芜湖美的厨卫电器有限公司 |
2014 | 洪璐 | 硕士 | 2017.06 | 合肥新东方外语培训学校 |
2015 | 杨新胜 | 硕士 | 2018.06 | 常州合全药业有限公司 |
2015 | 朱升美 | 硕士 | 2018.06 | 上海吉秦生物科技有限公司 |
2016 | 陈纪华 | 硕士 | 2019.06 | 合肥新东方外语培训学校 |
2016 | 冯秀云 | 硕士 | 2019.06 | 江苏威凯尔医药科技有限公司 |
2017 | 胡慧 | 硕士 | 2020.06 | 北斗生命科学(广州)有限公司 |
2017 | 万依菲 | 硕士 | 2020.06 | 安徽师范大学(读博) |
2018 | 李娜 | 硕士 | 2021.06 | 延安水产工作站 |
2018 | 孙家慧 | 硕士 | 2021.06 | 南京大学(读博) |
2019 | 夏蒙蒙 | 硕士 | 2022.06 | 安徽师范大学(读博) |
2019 | 王莉 | 硕士 | 2022.06 | 北京康龙化成有限公司 |
2020 | 连丁丁 | 硕士 | 2023.06 | 北京生命科技研究院 |