
夏云生(Dr. Yunsheng Xia) 博士 E-mail:xiayuns@mail.ahnu.edu.cn |

课题组长 夏云生:二级教授, 博士生导师,国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年科学基金”获得者,《中国化学快报》、《高等学校化学学报》青年编委。 教育经历 2008.9-2011.6 美高梅4858线路登录国家纳米科学中心 博士 2004.9-2007.6 安徽师范大学 硕士 1996.9-2000.6 青岛科技大学 学士 工作经历 2012.7-至今 教授 2008.7-2012.6 副教授 2005.7-2008.6 讲师 2000.7-2005.6 助教 研究兴趣 我们致力于纳米生物分析领域研究,在纳米粒子自组装、光/电/磁性质调控及其生物传感与成像等方面进行了较为系统的工作。以第一/通讯作者发表研究论文40余篇,被引用超过3000次,研究成果曾获得国家自然科学二等奖(4/4)和安徽省自然科学一等奖(1/4)。 组内成员 在读学生 2020级:郭阁(博士),林梦瑶,马海艳,王瑞 2021级:黄天力,马慧霞,续艳丽 毕业学生 2009级:宋磊 2010级:王佳静,叶晶京 2011级:谭康慧,杨光 2012级:陈辉德,沈鹏飞 2013级:顾文亮,鹿淋淋,赵燕 2014级:陈露,宫素芹,张慧 2015级:刘春秀,吕杨,朱霜霜 2016级:罗荣,马明柔,韦妹妹,张冰洁 2015级:凌云云(博士) 2017级:王标,王鹤,李瑞瑞,孙金霞 2015级:朱慧(硕博) 2016级:汪宜(博士) 2018级:王越,凌静,唐东山,郑云云 2019级:林钰,汪梦蕾,王楚楚 组内动态
2022/06/15 祝贺朱慧的文章被Nano Research接受。论文题目为“Cross-scale modulation for aqueous fabrication of monodisperse Cu2-xE (E = S, Se, Te) nanocrystals and supraparticles”。 2022/03/10 祝贺王楚楚的文章被Advanced Optical Materials接受。论文题目为“Twins of minimalistic carbon dots: uniform emitting-units and molecular level repeatable photoluminescence”。 2020/08/27 祝贺汪宜的文章被Chemistry of Materials接受。论文题目为“Highly bright and color tunable carbon dots:multicenter-emitting fluorescence and dynamics monitoring oxidative stress in vivo”。 2020/04/10 祝贺凌云云的文章被Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities接受。论文题目为“Glutathione sensing: from colorimetry to single particle spectroscopy based on gold NP@MnO2 nanosheets supraparticles”。 2020/03/20 祝贺马明柔的文章被ACS Nano接受。论文题目为“Quasi-amorphous and hierarchical Fe2O3 supraparticles: active T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in vivo and renal clearance”。 2020/02/19 受Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica杂志邀请。凌云云的文章“Gold based nanocomposites: fabrication strategies, properties, and tumor theranostic applications”已接受。 2019/12/27 祝贺孙金霞的文章被Chinese Chemical Letters接受。论文题目为“Getting rid of NaBH4: Gold seeds reduced by air-stable agents for synthesizing quasi one-dimensional gold nanoparticles”。 2019/06/19 受Chinese Chemical Letters邀请,张冰洁的文章“Etching of gold nanorods: The effects of diameter on analytical performances”已接受。 2019/3/15 祝贺凌云云的文章被Angewandte Chemie International Edition接受。论文题目为“Direct monitoring of cell membrane vesiculation with 2D AuNP@MnO2 nanosheet supraparticles at the single-particle level”。 2019/1/15 受Microchimica Acta杂志的邀请,汪宜的题为“Optical, electrochemical and catalytic methods for in-vitro diagnosis using carbonaceous nanoparticles: a review”的文章已经在线。 2018/10/23 祝贺吕扬的文章被 Chemistry-A European Journal杂志接受。论文题目为“Carbon Dots Nanozymes: How to Be Close to Natural Enzymes”。 2018/9/1 欢迎朱慧、凌静、唐东山、王越、郑云云加入课题组。朱慧为我们组第一位直博生。 2018/4/24祝贺刘春秀的文章被ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces杂志接受。论文题目为“Brighter, More Stable, and Less Toxic: A Host-Guest Interactions Aided Strategy for Fabricating Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles and Applying Them in Bioimaging and Biosensing at the Cellular Level”。 2018/2/11祝贺朱慧、张慧的文章被Analytical Chemistry杂志接受。论文题目为“Planar Is Better: MonodisperseThree Layered MoS2Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Reporters for 2, 4, 6-Trinitrotoluene Sensing in Environmental Water and Luggage Cases”。 2017/12/1 祝贺朱慧获得“国家奖学金”! 2017/9/1 欢迎李瑞瑞、孙金霞、王标、王鹤加入课题组。 2017/7/25 祝贺朱慧的文章被ACS Nano杂志接受。论文题目为“Monodisperse Dual Plasmonic Au@Cu2-xE (E= S, Se) Core@Shell Supraparticles: Aqueous Fabrication, Multimodal Imaging and Tumor Therapy atIn-VivoLevel”。 2017/7/1 祝贺陈露、宫素芹、张慧同学获得硕士学位,感谢其为课题组所做贡献,祝前程似锦! 2017/5/17 祝贺陈露的文章被ACS Sensors杂志接受。论文题目为“Valence States ModulationStrategy for Picomole Level Assay of Hg2+in Drinking and Environmental WaterbyDirectional Self-Assembly of Gold Nanorods”。 2017/3/3 受Methods and Applications in Fluorescence杂志的邀请,陈辉德的题为“One-step synthesis of boronic acid functionalized gold nanoclusters for photoluminescence sensing of dopamine”的文章已经在线。 2016/12/7 祝贺赵燕的文章被Journal of the American Chemical Society杂志接受。论文题目为“Three-in-One: Sensing, Self-Assembly and CascadeCatalysis of Cyclodextrin Modified Gold Nanoparticles”。 2016/10/26 祝贺顾文亮、宫素芹(共同第一作者)的文章被Biosensors and Bioelectronics杂志接受。论文题目为“Ratiometric sensing of metabolites using dual-emitting ZnS:Mn2+quantum dots as sole luminophore via surface chemistry design”。 2016/10/1 祝贺宫素芹获得“国家奖学金”! 2016/9/1 欢迎汪宜(博士生)、罗荣、马明柔、韦妹妹、张冰洁加入课题组。 2016/7/1 祝贺顾文亮、鹿淋淋、赵燕同学获得硕士学位,感谢其为课题组所做贡献,祝前程似锦! 2016/6/29 祝贺宫素芹的文章被Chemical Communications杂志接受。论文题目为“Beyond “turn-on” readout: from zero background to signal amplification by combination of magnetic separation and plasmon enhanced fluorescence”。 2016/1/27 祝贺张慧的文章被ACS Sensors杂志接受。论文题目为“Ratiometry, Wavelength and Intensity: Triple Signal Readout for ColorimetricSensingof Mercury Ions byPlasmonic Cu2-xSe Nanoparticles”。 2015/12/10受Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry杂志的邀请,课题组撰写的题为“Optical sensing and biosensing based on non- spherical noble metal nanoparticles”的综述已在线。 2015/12/8 祝贺鹿淋淋获得“国家奖学金”! 2015/9/1 欢迎凌云云、刘春秀、吕扬、朱慧、朱霜霜加入课题组。凌云云为我们组第一位博士生。 2015/7/28 祝贺鹿淋淋的文章被Analytical Chemistry杂志接受。论文题目为“Enzymatic Reaction Modulated Gold Nanorod End-to-End Self-Assembly for Ultrahigh Sensitively Colorimetric Sensing of Cholinesterase andOrganophosphate Pesticidesin Human Blood”。 2015/7/1 祝贺陈辉德、沈鹏飞同学获得硕士学位,感谢其为课题组所做贡献,祝前程似锦! 2014/12/28 祝贺沈鹏飞获得“国家奖学金”! 2014/10/16 祝贺陈辉德的文章被Analytical Chemistry杂志接受。论文题目为“Compactly Hybrid (Gold Nanodendrite-Quantum Dots) Assembly: Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence based Platform for Small Molecule Sensing in Solution”。 2014/9/3 欢迎2014级硕士生陈露、宫素琴、张慧加入课题组。 2014/9/1 夏云生老师获得国家基金委优秀青年科学基金资助。 2014/6/7 祝贺鹿淋淋、杨光(共同第一作者)的文章被Analytical Chemistry杂志接受。论文题目为“From Pair to Single: Sole Fluorophore for Ratiometric Sensing by Dual-Emitting Quantum Dots”。 2014/6/3 祝贺谭康慧、杨光同学硕士学位论文答辩通过,感谢其为课题组所做贡献,祝前程似锦! 2014/4/3 祝贺沈鹏飞的文章被Analytical Chemistry杂志接受。论文题目为“Synthesis-Modification Integration: One-Step Fabrication of Boronic Acid Functionalized Carbon Dots for Fluorescent Blood Sugar Sensing”。 学生获奖 5.朱 慧, 国家奖学金,2017年 4.宫素芹,国家奖学金,2016年 3.鹿淋淋,国家奖学金,2015年 2.沈鹏飞,国家奖学金,2014年 1.王佳静,国家奖学金,2012年 讲授课程 本科课程:《分析化学》,《普通化学》,《基础化学实验》,《综合化学实验》等 研究生课程:《光分析化学》,《发光材料与技术》等 主持项目 4. “各向异性金纳米粒子的可控组装、多元信号输出及其体外诊断应用”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(21775004),2018-2021,在研。 3. “分析化学”,国家基金委优秀青年科学基金(21422501),2014-2017,已结题; 2. “(贵金属-半导体)异质纳米材料的结构设计、光学性质和应用探索”,国家自然科学基金青年-面上连续资助(21275001),2013-2016,已结题; 1. “量子点-金纳米棒荧光共振能量转移系统的构建及其传感应用研究”,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(20905002),2010-2012,已结题; 主要论文
14. Mingrou Ma, Hui Zhu, Jing Ling, Suqin Gong,Yin Zhang,Yunsheng Xia*, Zhiyong Tang, Quasi-amorphous and hierarchical Fe2O3 supraparticles: active T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in vivo and renal clearance, ACS, Nano, 2020, 14, 4036-4044.

13.Yunyun Ling,Di Zhang,Ximin Cui,Meimei Wei,Ting Zhang,Jianfang Wang,Lehui Xiao,* and Yunsheng Xia*,Direct monitoring of cell membrane vesiculation with 2D AuNP@MnO2 nanosheet supraparticles at the single-particle level,Angew. Chem.Int. Ed., 2019, 131, 10652-10656. 
12.Hui Zhu,Yong Wang (cofirst author),Chao Chen,Mingrou Ma,Jianfeng Zeng,Shuzhou Li,Yunsheng Xia*,Mingyuan Gao,Monodisperse dual plasmonic Au@Cu2-xE (E= S, Se) core@shell supraparticles: Aqueous fabrication, multimodal imaging and tumor therapy atin vivo level,ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 8273-8281. 
11. Yan Zhao, Yucheng Huang (cofirst author), Hui Zhu, Qingqing Zhu,Yunsheng Xia*,Three-in-one: Sensing, self-assembly and cascadecatalysis of cyclodextrin modified gold nanoparticles,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 16645-16654. 
10. Linlin Lu,Yunsheng Xia*, Enzymatic reaction modulated gold nanorod end-to-end self-assembly for ultrahigh sensitively colori-metric sensing of cholinesterase and organophosphate pesticidesin human blood,Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 8584-8591. 
9.Huide Chen,Yunsheng Xia*,Compact hybrid (gold nanodendrite-quantum dots) assembly: Plasmon enhanced fluorescence-based platform for small molecule sensing in solution,Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 11062-11069.

8.Linlin Lu, GuangYang (cofirst author),Yunsheng Xia*, From pair to single: Sole fluorophore for ratiometric sensing by dual-emitting quantum dots,Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 6188-6191. 
7.Pengfei Shen,Yunsheng Xia*,Synthesis-modification integration: One-step fabrication of boronic acid functionalized carbon dots for fluorescent blood sugar sensing,Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 5323-5329. 
6.Yunsheng Xia*, Jingjing Ye, Kanghui Tan, Jiajing Wang, Guang Yang,Colorimetric visualization of glucose at the submicromole level in serum by a homogenous silver nanoprism–glucose oxidase system,Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 6241-6247. 
5.Lei Song, Sufan Wang, NicholasA. Kotov,Yunsheng Xia*,Non-exclusivefluorescent sensing for L/D enantiomers enabled by dynamic nanoparticle-nanorod assemblies,Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 7330-7335. 
4.Yunsheng Xia*, Lei Song, Changqing Zhu*, Turn-on and near-infrared fluorescent sensing for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene based on hybrid (gold nanorod)-(quantum dots) assembly,Analytical Chemistry, 2011,83, 1401-1407. 
3.Yunsheng Xia*, Zhiyong Tang*,Monodisperse inorganic supraparticles: formation mechanism, properties and applications,Chemical Communications(Invited Review), 2012, 48, 6320-6336. 2.Yunsheng Xia, Zhiyong Tang*,Monodisperse hollow supraparticles via selective oxidation,Advanced Functional Materials(Cover), 2012, 22, 2585-2593. 1.Yunsheng Xia,Trung Dac Nguyen ,Ming Yang, Byeongdu Lee, Aaron Santos, Paul Podsiadlo, Zhiyong Tang*, Sharon C. Glotzer*,NicholasA. Kotov*, Self assembly of self-limiting monodisperse supraparticles from polydisperse nanoparticles,Nature Nanotechnology, 2011, 6, 580-587. 邀请报告 4.无机纳米粒子自组装体的光学性质调控及传感应用,中国化学会第30届学术年会,2016.7,大连 3.纳米粒子自组装体的光学性质调控和传感应用,中国化学会第12届分析化学年会,2015.5,武汉 2.无机纳米粒子自组装体的光学性质调控和传感应用,国家自然科学基金委化学部2014年分析化学优秀中青年学者研讨会,2014.11,广州 1.基于量子点的“turn-on”阴离子传感器,中国化学会第11届分析化学年会,2012.10,青岛 招生招聘 1.每年招生博士、硕士研究生,名额若干。 2.常年欢迎对化学科学有兴趣、具有自我激励(self-motivated)品质的本科生,名额若干。 3.常年欢迎博士后、访问学者来课题组研究、交流。 |