周映华 (教授) Lab: 花津校区礼勤楼833# E-mail: yhzhou@ahnu.edu.cn
ORCID: 0000-0002-0355-723X 个人简介
周映华,博士、教授、博士生导师,2008年7月迄今任职于安徽师范大学美高梅4858线路登录。2008年6月在中山大学获无机化学专业博士学位,研究方向为晶态材料的合成与催化。曾在中国科学技术大学和美国圣迭戈州立大学作访问学者。目前,已主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、安徽省自然科学基金2项。曾获得校级教坛新秀、科研年度人物和最受本科生欢迎的教师等荣誉称号。已在Chem Eur J、Commun Chem、Dalton Trans、ChemCatChem、J Alloy Compd、J Inorg Biochem等国际期刊发表论文近40篇。受邀担任教育部全国研究生学位论文评审专家,Appl Catal B-Envir、J Alloy Compd、Appl Organomet Chem、J Inorg Biochem和New J Chem等SCI国际刊物审稿专家。 经费支持
1、国家自然科学基金项目“基于芳基对二甲酸的MOFs后功能化的过渡金属配合物催化有机膦降解的性能研究” (No. 21771004), 201801-202112。 2、安徽省自然科学基金项目 “金刚烷配合物纳米杂化体系的构筑及催化超氧自由基歧化的活性研究” (No. 1408085MKL21), 已结题。 3、国家自然科学基金项目 “基于功能化杯芳烃配合物的铜锌超氧化物歧化酶模拟研究” (No. 20901002), 已结题。 4、安徽省自然科学基金项目 “环糊精包合物模拟超氧歧化酶及其药物应用的研究” (No. 090416234), 已结题。
生物无机的金属酶模拟 讲授课程
高等无机化学 获奖情况
美高梅4858线路登录第七届“最受本科生喜欢的青年教师”(2018年) 美高梅4858线路登录第五届青年教师讲课大赛一等奖 (2013年)
安徽师范大学教坛新秀 (2013年) 近期论文 20. Y. Cheng, F. Li, L. Liu, Y.-H. Zhou*, Implanting multi-functional ionic liquids into MOF nodes for boosting CO2 cycloaddition under solventless and cocatalyst-free conditions. Chem. Eng. J. 2024, 490, 151657.
19. F. Li, Y. Hu, Y. Cheng, Y.-H. Zhou*, Design of composite based on UiO-66 and ionic liquid for the CO2 conversion into cyclocarbonate. Micropor. Mesopor. Mat. 2023, 112909.

18. X. Huang, Z. Liu, J. Tu, C. Ji, Y.-H. Zhou*, Photocatalytic dehydrogenation of ammonia borane over Ti3C2/MOF-supported Pd-doped Co nanoparticles, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 21289-21296.

17. F. Li, Y. Chen, A. Gao, W. Tong, C Ji, Y Cheng, Y.-H. Zhou*, Integration of polypyridyl-based ionic liquids into MIL-101 for promoting CO2 conversion into cyclic carbonates under cocatalyst-free and solventless conditions, New J. Chem. 2022, 46, 18418-18425.

16. A. Gao, F. Li, Z. Xu, C Ji, J Gu, Y.-H. Zhou*, Guanidyl-implanted UiO-66 as efficient catalysts for enhanced conversion of carbon dioxide into cyclic carbonates, Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 2567-2576.

15. K. Ye, Z. He, F. Wu, Y. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Cheng, Ying-Hua Zhou*, Carbon nitride-supported CuCeO2 composites derived from bimetal MOF for efficiently electrocatalytic nitrogen fixation, Int J Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46, 35319-35329.

14. K. Zhang, X. Cao, Z. Zhang, Y. Cheng, Ying-Hua Zhou*, MIL-101(Cr) with incorporated polypyridine zinc complexes for efficient degradation of nerve agent simulant: spatial isolation of active sites promoting catalysis, Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 1995-2000.

13. Y-H Zhou*, X Cao, J Ning, C Ji, Y Cheng, J Gu*, Pd-doped Cu nanoparticles confined by ZIF-67@ZIF-8 for efficient dehydrogenation of ammonia borane, Int J Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45, 31440-31451.
12. F Yang, W Hu, C Yang, M Patrick, A L Cooksy, J Zhang, J A Aguiar, C Fang, Y-H Zhou,* Y S Meng, J Huang,* J Gu*, Tuning Internal Strain in Metal–Organic Frameworks via Vapor Phase Infiltration for CO2 Reduction, Angew Chem Int Ed, 2020, 59, 4572-4580.
11. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Zhang, Z.;Patrick, M.; Yang, F.; Wei, R.; Cheng, Y.; Gu, J.*; Cleaving DNA-model Phosphodiester with Lewis Acid-Base Catalytic Sites in Bifunctional Zr-MOFs, Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 8044-8048. 10. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Zhang, Z.; Wang, S.;Williams, N.; Cheng, Y.; Luo, S.;Gu, J.*; rGO supported PdNi-CeO2 nanocomposite as an efficient catalyst for hydrogen evolution from the hydrolysis of NH3BH3, Int J Hydrogen Energy 2018, 43, 18745-18753 9. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Wang, S.-Q.; Zhang, Z.; Williams, N.; Cheng, Y.; Gu, J.*; Hollow NiCo Layered Double Hydroxide Supported Pd Catalysts for Superior Hydrogen Evolution Activity for Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane, ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 3206-3213. 8. Zhou, Y.-H.; Yang Q.-H.; Chen Y.-Z.; Jiang H.-L.*; Low-cost CuNi@MIL-101 as an excellent catalyst toward cascade reaction: integration of ammonia borane dehydrogenation with nitroarene hydrogenation, Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 12361-12364. 7. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Wang, S.-Q.; Wan, Y.; Liang, J.; Chen, Y.; Luo, S.; Cheng, Y.; Low-cost CuNi-CeO2/rGO as an efficient catalyst for hydrolysis of ammonia borane and tandem reduction of 4-nitrophenol, J. Alloys Compd., 2017, 728, 902-909. 6. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Wang, S.-Q.; Chen, L.-Q.; Gong, D.-Y.; Ni, P.; Cheng, Y.; Effective reduction of p-nitrophenol catalyzed by nickel(II) adamantane complexes, Transit. Metal Chem., 2017, 42, 175-180. 5. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Liu, X.-W.; Tao, J.; Wang, S.-Q.; Ren, P.; Ni, P.; Cheng, Y.; p-nitrophenyl acetate hydrolysis promoted by Zn(II) and Co(II) complexes with the tripodal ligand of N,N'-bis(2-quinolinylmethyl)amantadine, J. Coord. Chem. 2017, 70, 177-188. 4. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Chen, L.-Q.; Tao, J.; Shen, J.-L.; Gong, D.-Y.; Yun, R.-R.; Cheng, Y.; Effective cleavage of phosphodiester promoted by the zinc(II) and copper(II) Inclusion complexes of β-cyclodextrin, J. Inorg. Biochem., 2016, 163, 176-184. 3. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Liu, X.-W.; Chen, L.-Q.; Wang, S.-Q.; Cheng, Y.; Synthesis, structure and superoxide dismutase-like activity of two mixed-ligand Cu(II) complexes with N,N’-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)- amantadine, Polyhedron 2016, 117, 788-794. 2. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Tao, J.; Sun, D.-L.; Chen, L.-Q.; Jia, W.-G.; Cheng, Y., Synthesis, structure and superoxide dismutase-like activity of copper(II) complexes based on N,N'-bis(2- quinolinylmethyl)amantadine, Polyhedron 2015, 85, 849-856. 1. Zhou, Y.-H.*; Tao, J.; Lv, Q.-C.; Jia, W.G.; Yun, R..; Cheng, Y., Effect of the amide groups on superoxide dismutation catalyzed by copper(II) complexes of adamantane, Inorg. Chim. Acta 2015, 426, 211-210. 专利
9. 周映华, 王苏琴; 钯纳米粒子负载层状双氢氧化物的纳米复合材料及其制备方法以及氨硼烷催化分解方法, 专利号:ZL 2017 1 0722192.0 8. 周映华, 王苏琴; 石墨烯负载钯镍/氧化铈纳米复合材料、制备方法以及氨硼烷催化分解方法, 专利号:ZL 2016 1 0891207.1 7. 周映华, 刘贤文; 吡啶-金刚烷胺配合物/β-环糊精包合物及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL 2015 1 0156150.6 6. 周映华, 陶骏, 孙大亮; 金刚烷基吡啶双核配合物、中间体及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0145698.6 5. 周映华, 陶骏, 孙大亮; 金刚烷基吡啶配合物、中间体及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0146101.X 4. 周映华, 陈丽晴, 孙大亮; 金刚烷基吡啶甲酰胺配合物、中间体及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0146089.2 3. 周映华, 刘贤文, 孙大亮; 金刚烷基吡啶酰胺配合物、中间体及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0146081.6 2. 周映华, 孙大亮, 陶骏; 金刚烷基喹啉配合物、中间体及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0126666.1 1. 周映华, 孙大亮, 陶骏; 咪唑基铜配合物及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0008411.5 重要链接
1. 试剂公司:ChemicalBook; 国药;安耐吉;阿达玛斯;百灵威; 阿拉丁;TCI;Sigma-Aldrich;Alfa Aesar;
2. Groups: Prof. Zong-Wan Mao; Prof. Hai-Long Jiang; 3. 化学论坛:小木虫;科学网;X-MOL