Welcome to the Fang Group!
方 臻
教授 博导
E-mail: fzfscn@mail.ahnu.edu.cn
Researcher ID: G-7070-2012
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6845-4354
简历:Zhen Fang got his bachelor degree of chemistry from Anhui Normal University(AHNU) in 1999. In 2006, he honored with Doctor degree from University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) in Inorganic Chemistry. Now, he is the professor of College of Chemistry and Materials Science in Anhui Normal University. His research interests including synthesis of transition metal sulfides/phosphides nanomaterials and their application in energy storage and transformation.
1. “低维异质结构纳米材料的自组装及其结构与性能研究”,国家自然科学基金青年项目,20701002,(2008-2010)。
2. “IV-VI 族二维纳米结构的可控合成及光电性能”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,21171007,(2012 -2015)。
3. “磷基材料的化学液相合成与储能性能研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,21671005,(2017 -2020)。
4. “纳米储能材料”,安徽省杰出青年科学基金,1808085J27, (2017-2020).
42. Zou, Haoda; Ma, Qiuyang; Sun, Shijie; Yu, Chenjie; Zhang, Xiaoyu; Zheng, Yao; Yang, Mei; Liu, Wuqi; Shao, Hui; Fang, Zhen, Nitrogen-doped porous carbon hosted sulfur-rich polymer for room temperature Na-S batteries with superior cycle performances.Electrochimica Acta, 2024, 486, 144154. Link
41. Ma, Qiuyang; Zou, Haoda;He, Hengli; Li, Yue; Fang, Zhen.Enhanced conversion kinetics by constructing boron and nitrogen co-doped porous carbon with sulfurophilic and sodiophilic sites in room-temperature sodium-sulfur batteries.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474, 145954.Link

40. Ma, Q.; Ai, J.; Zou, H.; He, H.; Li, Z.; Mujtaba, J. Fang, Z. Gallate-MOF derived CoS(2)/C composites as an accelerated catalyst for room-temperature sodium-sulfur batteries. Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 13612.Link

39. Ma, Q.; Liu, Q.; Li, Z.; Pu, J.; Mujtaba, J.; Fang, Z. Oxygen vacancy-mediated amorphous GeOx assisted polysulfide redox kinetics for room-temperature sodium-sulfur batteries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 629, 76-86. Link

38. Ma, Q.; Zhang, L.; Ding, Y.; Shi, X.; Ding, Y. L.; Mujtaba, J.; Li, Z.; Fang, Z. Rational nanostructured FeSe2 wrapped in nitrogen-doped carbon shell for high-rate capability and long cycling sodium-ion storage. Journal of colloid and interface science 2022, 622, 840-848. Link

37. Liu, M,; Wang, Q. Q.; Ding, Y. Z.; Jin, Y.; Fang, Z.; Co-Salen Complex-Derived CoP Nanoparticles Confined In N-doped Carbon Microspheres for Stable Sodium Storage. Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 60, 17151−17160. Link
36. Zhang, L.; Wang, Q.; Qiang, C.; Liu, M.; Wang, Q.; Chen, S.; Guo, J.; Fang, Z., Fixing Cu7S4 nanocrystals on flexible carbon nanotube film for distinguished sodium storage performance. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 418, 129489. Link
35. Liu, M.; Chen, S.; Jin, Y.; Fang, Z., MoS2 encapsulated in three-dimensional hollow carbon frameworks for stable anode of sodium ion batteries. Crystengcomm 2021. Link
34. Qiang, C.; Liu, M.; Zhang, L.; Chen, Z.; Fang, Z., In Situ Growth of Ni-Based Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets on Carbon Nanotube Films for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 60 (5), 3439-3446. Link
33. Qiang, C.; Zhang, L.; He, H.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Sheng, T.; Liu, S.; Wu, X.; Fang, Z., Efficient electrocatalytic water splitting by bimetallic cobalt iron boride nanoparticles with controlled electronic structure. Journal of colloid and interface science 2021, 604, 650-659. Link
32. Ding, Yang; Zeng, Peiyuan; Fang, Zhen*, Spindle-shaped FeS2 enwrapped with N/S Co-doped carbon for high-rate sodium storage, J. Power Sources, 2020, 450, 227688. Link
31. Liu, Yangyang; Jiang, Wanli; Liu, Min; Zhang, Liang; Qiang, Chenchen; Fang, Zhen*, Ultrafine Co1-xS Attached to Porous Interconnected Carbon Skeleton for Sodium-Ion Batteries, Langmiur, 2019, 35, 16487-16495. Link
30.Y. Ding, W.W. Wang, M. F. Bi, J. Y. Guo, Z. Fang*, CoTe nanorods/rGO composites as a potential anode material for sodium-ion storage, Electrochim. Acta, 2019, 313, 331-340. link
29. Y.Y. Zhao, W.W. Wang, M.N. Chen, R.J. Wang, Z. Fang*, The synthesis of ZnS@MoS2 hollow polyhedrons for enhanced lithium storage performance, Crystengcomm, 20 (2018) 7266-7274. link
28. Chen, M.N., Zeng, P.Y., Zhao, Y.Y. and Fang, Z*. (2018). CoP nanoparticles enwrapped in N-doped carbon nanotubes for high performance lithium-ion battery anodes. Frontiers of Materials Science 12, 214-224.link
27. Y. Zhao, M. Bi, F. Qian, P. Zeng, M. Chen, R. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Ding, Z. Fang*, Heterostructure CoS/NC@MoS2 Hollow Spheres for High‐Performance Hydrogen Evolution Reactions and Lithium‐ION Batteries, ChemElectroChem, 5 (2018) 3953-3960.link
26. W. Wang, P. Zeng, J. Li, Y. Zhao, M. Chen, J. Shao, Z. Fang*, Ultrathin Nanosheets Assembled Hierarchical Co/NiSx@C Hollow Spheres for Reversible Lithium Storage, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1 (2018) 3435-3445.link
25. J. Li, W. Wang, Y. Zhao, M. Chen, Z. Fang*, Carbon Wrapped Monodispersed FeP Nanoparticles for Lithium Storage with long Cycle Life, Energy Technology, 6 (2018) 2312-2318.link
24. Z. Fang*, J.W. Li, W.G. Jia, Free-radical reaction synthesis of carbon using nitrogenous organic molecules and CCl4, New J. Chem., 42 (2018) 17407-17411.link
23. Peiyuan, Zeng, Qian Fangfang, Lin Yingwu, Wang Xiaoxiao, Li Jianwen, Wang Wanwan, Tao Feng, and Fang Zhen. "One-Step Synthesis of Α-Fe2O3–Δ as Promising Anode Materials for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries." Materials Research Express, 2018, 5, 025502.link
22. Xiaoxiao Wang, Wan Wan Wang, Baichuan Zhu, Fangfang Qian, and Zhen Fang*. "Mo-Doped Na3V2(PO4)(3)@C Composites for High Stable Sodium Ion Battery Cathode." . Frontiers of Materials Science, 2018. 12, 53-63.link
21. Wanwan Wang, Jianwen Li, Mengfan Bi, Yueying Zhao, Mengna Chen, Zhen Fang*. Dual function flower-like CoP/C nanosheets: High stability lithium-ion anode and excellent hydrogen evolution reaction catalyst. Electrochim. Acta, 2018. 259, 822––829.Link
20. Peiyuan Zeng, Jianwen Li, Ming Ye, Kaifeng Zhuo, and Zhen Fang*. In Situ Formation of Co9S8 /N-C Hollow Nanospheres by Pyrolysis and Sulfurization of ZIF-67 for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries (Front cover). Chem. Eur. J. 2017. 40, 9517–9524.Link
19. Qiuyang Ma, Wanwan Wang, Peiyuan Zeng, and Zhen Fang*. Amorphous Ge/C Composite Sponges: Synthesis and Application in a High-Rate Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries. Langmuir 2017, 33, 2141-2147.Link
18. Peiyuan Zeng, Yueying Zhao, Yingwu Lin, Xiaoxiao Wang, Jianwen Li, Wanwan Wang and Zhen Fang*. Enhancement of Electrochemical Performance by the Oxygen Vacancies in Hematite as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2017,12, 1-9.Link
17. Fang, Jiaxin; Chen, Mengna; Fang, Zhen*. Thickness-dependent photoelectrochemical property of tin disulphide nanosheets.Micro & Nano Letters 2017, 12, 344-346.Link
16. Zeng P. Y.; Wang, X. X.; Ye, M,; Ma, Q. Y.; Li J. W.; Wang W. W. Geng, B. Y.; Fang, Z*. Excellent lithium ion storage property of porous MnCo2O4 nanorods. RSC Adv., 2016,6, 23074-23084.Link
15. Ma, Q. Y.; Ye, M,; Zeng P. Y.; Wang, X. X. Geng, B. Y.; Fang, Z*. Size-controllable synthesis of amorphous GeOx hollow spheres and their lithium-storage electrochemical properties.RSC Adv., 2016,6, 15952-15959.Link
14. Song, Y. X.; Qiang, T. T.; Ye, M,;Ma, Q. Y.; Fang, Z.*,Metal organic framework derived magnetically separable 3-dimensional hierarchical Ni@C nanocomposites: synthesis and adsorption properties. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2015, 359, 834-840.Link
13. Qiang, T. T.; Fang, J. X.; Song, Y. X.; Ma, Q. Y.; Ye, M,; Fang, Z.*; Geng, B. Y., Ge@C Core-Shell Nanostructures for Improved Anode Rate Performance in Lithium-Ion Batteries. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 17070 - 17075.Link
12. Long, L.; Zhang, H.; Ye, M.; Fang, Z.*, Ammonia cation assisted bubble template for synthesizing hollow TiO2 nanospheres and its application in lithium ion storage. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 12224 - 12229.Link
11. Fang, Z.*; Qiang, T.; Fang, J.; Song, Y.; Ma, Q.; Ye, M.; Qiang, F.; Geng, B., 3D hollow framework of GeOx with ultrathin shell for improved anode performance in lithium-ion batteries. Electrochim. Acta 2015, 151, 453-458.Link
10. Fang, Z.*; Long, L.; Hao, S.; Song, Y.; Qiang, T.; Geng, B., Mesocrystal precursor transformation strategy for synthesizing ordered hierarchical hollow TiO2 nanobricks with enhanced photocatalytic property. CrystEngComm 2014, 16, 2061-2069.Link
9. Fang, Z.*; Hao, S.; Long, L.; Fang, H.; Qiang, T.; Song, Y., The enhanced photoelectrochemical response of SnSe2 nanosheets. CrystEngComm 2014, 16, 2404-2410.Link
8. Wang C, Fang Z*, Fan F, Dong X, Peng Y, Hao S, Long L: Facile synthesis of size-tunable Cu39S28 micro/nano-crystals and small-sized configuration enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity. CrystEngComm 2013, 15(29):5792-5798.Link
7. Fang Z*, Fan F,Ding Z, Wang C, Long L, Hao S: Layered iron orthovanadate microrods as cathode for lithium ion batteries with enhancedcycle performance. Mater Res Bull 2013, 48(4):1737-1740.Link
6. Fang Z*, Wang XQ, Wang Q, Wang CY, Fan F, Liu XW: One-pot protocol for the synthesis of PbS-Au heterodimers consisting of Au nanoparticle on PbS nanooctahedrons. Micro & Nano Letters 2012, 7(2):101-104.Link
5. Fang Z*, Wang Q, Wang X, Zhu B, Fan F, Wang C, Liu X: Ethylenediamine inducing growth of {100} facets exposed PbS nanosheets. Cryst Res Technol 2012, 47(6):635-642.Link
4. Fang Z*, Liu Y, Liu X, Wang Q, Fan Y, Wang W: Dynamic isomers engaged fabrication of copper sulfide rattle-type structures and their optoelectronic properties. CrystEngComm 2011, 13(19):5653-5657.Link
3. Fang Z*, Liu Y, Fan Y, Ni Y, Wei X, Tang K, Shen J, Chen Y: Epitaxial Growth of CdS Nanoparticle on Bi2S3 Nanowire and Photocatalytic Application of the Heterostructure. J Phys Chem C 2011, 115(29):13968-13976.Link
2. Fang Z*, Fan Y, Liu Y: Photochemical synthesis and photocatalysis application of ZnS/amorphous carbon nanotubes composites. Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China 2011, 4(1):121-127.
1. Fang Z*, Wang XY, Shen JM, Lin X, Ni YH, Wei XW: Morphology Evolution of Double Fold Hexagonal Dendrites of Copper(I) Sulfide with D(6h) Symmetry. Cryst Growth Des 2010, 10(2):469-474.Link
2. “一种硫族异质结构纳米材料、制备方法及其应用”,发明专利(201010534487.3)
3. “一种制备碳纳米材料的碳源、碳纳米材料的制备方法”,发明专利(201310002587.5)
4. “一种GeOx材料、其制备方法及其在锂离子电池中的应用”, 发明专利(201410210425.5)
5. “一种Cu39S28纳米晶体的制备及其应用”,发明专利(201210537019.0)
6.“片状多孔碳包覆ZnO纳米复合材料及其制备方法与应用” 发明专利(201410572493.6)
7.“GeO2/Ge/C蜂窝状纳米材料及其制备方法和应用” 发明专利(201510537177.X)
2006 | 王雪颖 | waiting for news | 2007 | 林秀 | 景德镇第十六中学 |
2008 | 刘玉凤 | 五河县环保局 | 2009 | 王晓庆 | 定律安侯保险有限公司 |
范月婷 | 肥东锦弘中学 | 汪 琴 | 安徽文达信息工程学院 |
2010 | 汪晨燕 | 芜湖市火龙岗中学 | 2011 | 郝升华 | 肥东锦弘中学 |
樊 钒 | 安徽工程大学机电学院 | 龙刘扬 | 安徽省质量和标准化研究院 |
2012 | 强婷婷 | 奇瑞新能源汽车技术有限公司 | 2013 | 马秋阳 | 芜湖天弋能源科技有限公司 |
宋一轩 | 当涂经济开发区管委会 | 叶 明 | 奇瑞新能源汽车技术有限公司 |
2014 | 王笑笑 | 芜湖天弋能源科技有限公司 | 2015 | 王婉婉 | 会通新材料股份有限公司 |
曾培源 | 滁州博创新材料 | 李建稳 | 滁州博创新材料 |
2016 | 丁 泱 | 安庆一中 | 2019 | 张 亮 | 北京科技大学 |
刘洋洋 | 合肥 | 刘 敏 | 芜湖启迪半导体 |
| 强晨晨 | 芜湖佳宏新材料 |